Law 46/2003; Law 487/2002; Ord. 372/2006
By patient is meant the healthy or sick person who uses the health services.
- patients have the right to the highest quality medical care available to society, in accordance with human, financial and material resources.
- the patient has the right to be respected as a human person, without any discrimination.
- the patient has the right to be informed about the available medical services, as well as how to use them.
- the patient has the right to decide if he still wants to be informed if the information presented by the doctor would cause him suffering.
- the patient has the right to request and obtain another medical opinion.
- the patient has the right to request and receive, upon discharge, a written summary of the investigations, diagnosis, treatment and care provided during hospitalization.
- the patient has the right to confidentiality of information and to private life.
- the information is presented to the patient in a respectful, clear language, minimizing specialized terminology; if the patient does not know the Romanian language, the information is brought to his attention in his native language or in the language he knows or, as the case may be, another form of communication will be sought.
- the patient's relatives and friends can be informed about the progress of investigations, diagnosis and treatment, with the patient's consent.
- the patient has the right to refuse or stop a medical intervention assuming, in writing, the responsibility for his decision; the consequences of his refusal to stop the medical records must be explained to the patient.
- the patient cannot be photographed or filmed in a medical unit without his consent.
Anyone with a mental disorder has the right to the best medical and mental health care available.
Any person suffering from mental disorders or who is cared for as such must be treated with humanity and with respect for human dignity and be protected against any form of economic, sexual or other exploitation, against harmful and degrading treatments.
No discrimination based on a mental disorder is allowed.
Any person suffering from a mental disorder has the right to exercise all the civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights recognized in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, as well as in other international conventions and treaties on the matter, to which Romania has acceded or is a party , except for cases provided by law.
Any person suffering from a mental disorder has the right, to the extent possible, to live and work in the midst of society. The local public administration, through the competent bodies, ensures the integration or reintegration into professional activities corresponding to the state of health and the capacity for social and professional reintegration of people with mental disorders.
Any patient with mental disorders has the right to:
a) legal recognition as a person;
b) private life;
c) freedom of communication, especially with other people in the care unit, the freedom to send and receive private communications without any kind of censorship, the freedom to receive private visits from a counselor or a personal or legal representative and , whenever possible, and of other visitors, freedom of access to postal and telephone services, as well as to newspapers, radio and television;
d) freedom of religion or belief.
The environment and living conditions in mental health services must be as close as possible to the normal life of people of the appropriate age.
To spend free time, any patient with mental disorders has the right to:
a) means of education;
b) possibilities to buy or receive items necessary for daily life, entertainment or communication;
c) means that allow the patient to dedicate himself to some active occupations, adapted to the environment or socially and culturally, encouragements for the use of these means and professional re-adaptation measures to facilitate his reinsertion into society.
The patient cannot be forced to perform forced labor.
Obligations of the patients: to acquire and respect the Internal Order Regulations of the Hospital, according to the laws in force.
Discharge from the hospital can be done:
Discharged at the end of the treatment or at the end of the acute phase of the disease. At the end of the treatment or at the end of the acute phase of the disease, upon discharge, the Medical Letter is completed, in 2 copies, one will be attached to the FOCG, and the other will be given to the patient to be sent to the family doctor. When leaving the hospital, the patient is given, if necessary, treatment and diet and life and work instructions.
The doctors who carry out their activity in the hospital have the obligation to send to the family doctor or the specialized doctor from the outpatient clinic, as the case may be, a MEDICAL LETTER/HOSPITAL DISCHARGE TICKET with the obligation that it explicitly contain all the elements provided in the medical letter , the assessment of the health of the insured at the time of discharge and the indications for treatment and therapeutic supervision for the next period (determined according to the diagnosis), information that must also be found in the general clinical observation sheet at the end of the period.
At the request of the patient being discharged, the MEDICAL CERTIFICATE is completed and handed over.
- Discharge on request. The patient can leave the hospital on request, after being informed in advance of the possible consequences on his state of health.
The attending physician records the patient's request for discharge in the FOCG, and the patient signs that he has requested discharge. Standard forms can be created in which the patient will request discharge.
The possibility of leaving the hospital on request does not apply in the case of communicable diseases and in other cases provided by law.
Documents used:
Ø Medical letter/Discharge ticket
Ø Medical leave certificate
Ø Medical certificate – for pupils, students, etc.
Ø Free/reimbursed prescription
Ø Form – Application for discharge on own responsibility
Ø Expense report at discharge for the medical services received