

The Tulghes Psychiatric Hospital is a public health unit with a monospecialty profile, with 6 specialist psychiatry wards for continuous hospitalization and two specialist outpatient clinics, one for psychiatry and one for internal medicine.


Psychiatry specialist consultations
Paraclinical investigations (laboratory examination, EKG)
Medical care
Establishing the psychiatric diagnosis
Internal medicine consultation
Psychological counseling, clinical psychological assessment, psychotherapy

Recovery treatments:

  • Physiotherapy
  • Medical physical culture
  • Occupational therapy (tailoring workshop, carpentry, painting, sculpture, ceramics, pottery, basket weaving, etc.)
  • Play therapy and relaxation therapy, information and culture (clubs equipped with televisions, library, music therapy)
  • Physical Therapy

Investigations and treatments settled by the insurance company:

Services and treatments that are not settled by the insurance company:

Payment is made in cash at the unit's casiery.

The working hours are from Monday to Friday, between 8:00 and 16:00.